The Follicle Booster Academy

The one-stop shop for your Hair Loss/ Thinning & Beard Growth.

Our school is dedicated to creating the best Hair Loss and Beard Growth courses and combining those with the highest quality products.

We CRACKED the code with our current Minoxidil Recipe.

And we invest all our time and finances into further revolutionizing the industry through recipes!

Personal Introduction

My name is Tudor Tanase, and I'm the founder of Follicle Booster.

Together with my team, we started this company to help people worldwide with better hair loss and beard growth product recipes and programs.

After struggling for years with my beard growth and hair loss, I always had issues with the traditional Minoxidil recipes. (dandruff, irritations, or itchiness) I decided to become a lab rat and test dozens of recipes to create the perfect balance between efficiency and reducing side effects.

Finally, in early 2023 we got the perfect Minoxidil recipe to revolutionize the Minoxidil industry.

By being involved for so long in this industry, I put together with my team this program to help you achieve your hair goals.

Following our courses and program will save you time, money, and frustration.

It will place you on the correct hair growth path from the beginning.

Scalp or beard, we've got your covered.

"Within 12 weeks, I have noticed my hair has started to get thicker, and I have got baby hairs coming through, which is amazing. Guided by the team, they advised me of subtle changes I could do to help maximize the benefits from the treatment." - Khai

" followed their 12 week hair regrowth program my follicle journey, and here are my results. I am satisfied with the program, and I will continue following it for even better results" - Dani.

"This is a wonderful product. I have been using it for a few months now to accelerate my beard growth. A bottle lasts for more than a month. I purchased my first bottle in November 2022 and still have a little left in the original bottle. After a few months of use, I have noticed my beard has begun to fill in and has started becoming a full beard. Definitely give this a try." - Papaslim

We've prepared two courses for you!

1) Hair Loss & Hair Thinning

2) Beard Growth

*All these courses come with 24/7 support and assistance from our team.

Results from our customers